Aug. 7, 2020
Donating plasma may be the key in the fight against COVID-19
By Mackenzie Walsh
August 7, 2020
Maj. Gen. Michael Place sits in a chair, squeezing a red droplet-shaped stress ball. The apheresis machine, which separates plasma from blood, beeps like a video game, echoing something Place said earlier.
“It’s a virus – we can win.”
COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate against who it infects – even general officers are susceptible.
Place, commanding general of the 18th Medical Command as of July 31, contracted COVID-19 in March of this year before coming to Hawaii for his current assignment. He is an example of the importance of getting tested even with mild symptoms. He never developed a cough but experienced a few days of fatigue and was febrile overnight. He stresses the importance of seeking medical guidance and self-isolation to protect your loved ones, even though it is difficult after you no longer feel ill.