Health Services

Flight and Operational Medicine

Flight and Operational Medicine Clinic, or FOMC, provides day-to-day medical care for individuals holding an aeromedical rating to include ground based controllers, operational support flyers, critical care air transport, explosive ordnance disposal, and their dependents. FOMC services include aeromedical waiver processing, primary In-flight emergency response, health inspections and occupational examinations, and medical in- and out-processing. The Base Operational Medicine Clinic, or BOMC, services include preventative health assessment management, overseas and special duty clearances, commissioning and enlistment physicals, and retraining. Our services include tracking all deployment availability working group cases and medical evaluation boards, duty limiting conditions, separation and retirement physicals, and the personnel reliability program.

Contact Us

Location: Building 777, Lower Level


  • Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Closed every Thursday 12 to 4 p.m. for training

Telephone: 0505-784-2618 or DSN 315-784-2618

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!