Jan. 11, 2021

On the frontlines against COVID: Microbiologist

Nina Gruhn has never seen anything like COVID-19 before. Gruhn, a senior microbiologist in the Biological Analysis Division at Public Health Command Europe, generally spends her days analyzing specimens in a laboratory.

Jan. 8, 2021

On the heels of the COVID-19 vaccines being distributed as part of Operation Warp Speed, Soldiers assigned to 25th Infantry Division and U.S. Army Hawaii began receiving their initial doses the week of December 17, 2020.

Jan. 8, 2021

Offutt receives COVID-19 vaccine

The 55th Medical Group COVID Cell began administering initial doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to frontline healthcare workers Jan. 6.

Jan. 8, 2021

NH Twentynine Palms Wins Blue-H Award for Ninth Consecutive Time

From the Joshua Tree National Park to local ski resorts, the opportunities for healthy recreation are limitless. Which may account for NHTP taking home the award that recognizes an organized approach to promoting healthy lifestyles, the Blue H Award, which the Navy hospital has triumphantly brought home for nine consecutive years.

Jan. 8, 2021

BAMC takes on additional trauma patients

Brooke Army Medical Center is expanding its ability to care for critically injured community members to help ease the COVID-19 burden on the local healthcare system. Last week, with the demand for COVID-19 care increasing, BAMC began accepting a higher percentage of trauma patients through transfers from other hospitals throughout the region, as it did during the summer COVID-19 surge, said Air Force Col. (Dr.) Patrick Osborn, San Antonio Military Health System Surgeon-in-Chief and BAMC’s Deputy Commander for Surgical Services.

Jan. 7, 2021

January Holiday Hours

Jan 18: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Holiday - Closed 0700 - 1615 Jan 20: Training Day (3rd Wednesday Training Day) - Closed 1200 - 1615

Jan. 7, 2021

Exceptional Family Member Program assists families with special needs

To support military Families with special needs, the Army created the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). The Army designed the EFMP to be a comprehensive, coordinated, multi-agency program that provides necessary services to military Families with an Exceptional Family Member.

Jan. 7, 2021

Lyster Soldiers among those that rendered aid at accident scene

On 16 December, what started out as a normal Wednesday afternoon for some, ended with a multi vehicle accident and an overturned school bus just outside the Enterprise gate near Fort Rucker, Al. As military personnel were driving home that day, several witnessed the accident unfold and took immediate action.

Jan. 7, 2021

Lyster administers COVID vaccine

Lyster Army Health Clinic began administering the first COVID-19 vaccines on Wednesday. The excitement was felt throughout the clinic at this historic milestone in the fight against COVID-19. Since March, clinic staff has adjusted to meet the increased demands the pandemic presented from adjusting to virtual appointments to the drive-through pharmacy.

Jan. 7, 2021

Online Enrollment for TRICARE Overseas Plans Now Available

Are you a TRICARE Overseas Program (TOP) beneficiary? If so, you’ll be pleased to know you have a new way you can enroll in your health plan. Online enrollment through Beneficiary Web Enrollment (BWE) is now available for overseas plans on milConnect.

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!