Nov. 25, 2020

Tripler Soldiers give Best Warrior Competition their all

Through the rain, mud, sand, heat, and ocean waves, Soldiers from Tripler Army Medical Center here competed in Tripler’s Best Warrior Competition, Nov. 18-20. Competitors were tested both physically and mentally, day and night, throughout the three-day competition. “The Best Warrior Competition challenges a Soldier’s technical and tactical skills, their critical thinking, and just flat-out grit,” said Command Sgt. Maj. Anthony K. Forker, Jr., Tripler’s command sergeant major. “Some volunteer to participate and some are told to step up — no matter the manner in which they end up competing, every competitor comes out on the other side a better Soldier.” The first event began at midnight Nov.18 with night land navigation, followed by day land navigation. Day one ended with a mystery event, which included a one-mile beach run, drills in the sand and shore break, and a timed Army knowledge test. Visit this link to read full story

Nov. 23, 2020

San Antonio Military Health System seeks volunteers for COVID-19 vaccine trial

Two San Antonio Military Health System facilities are seeking volunteers from among the military beneficiary population to participate in a COVID-19 vaccine trial. The trial is part of Operation Warp Speed, a national initiative to accelerate the development, production and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines, therapeutics and diagnostics.

Nov. 23, 2020

BAMC receives national recognition for surgical quality

The American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program has recognized Brooke Army Medical Center for achieving meritorious outcomes for surgical patient care for two years running, ranking the hospital among the top 10 percent of participating hospitals for surgical care. “Earning meritorious recognition two years in a row shows the BAMC and SAMHS (San Antonio Military Health System) team’s ongoing commitment and dedication to continuous improvement and quality care,” said Air Force Col. Patrick Osborn, Surgeon-in-Chief, San Antonio Military Health System, and BAMC Deputy Commander for Surgical Services.

Nov. 23, 2020

Active Duty Family Member? Find TRICARE Coverage Options to Match Your Needs

Are you an active duty family member (ADFM) thinking about changing your TRICARE health plan? If so, you can do so now. The TRICARE Open Season—your chance to enroll or make changes to your health plan for next year—runs until Dec. 14. Looking for dental or vision coverage? This is also the time to find options for you and your family.

Nov. 22, 2020

Mandatory training requirements must be met every year, but this year has been unlike any other due to the COVID-19 pandemic. However, due to the commitment and ingenuity of the instructors at Desmond T. Doss Health Clinic, COVID-19 has not hindered the clinic’s annual training efforts. Active duty and civilian instructors are turning to virtual platforms to conduct mandatory training. Click Here to read the full story:

Nov. 22, 2020

This year marks the ninth anniversary of the Lt. Col. Cabrera and Staff Sgt. Newman Memorial March. A small ceremony will take place at Mokuleia Beach Park in Waialua at 6 a.m. Nov. 20. Unlike previous marches, in order to adhere to local COVID-19 guidelines, only a limited number of individuals will gather to honor the memories of the fallen. Others are encouraged to take part in the march on their own or in groups of five or less at alternate locations. Click here to read the full story:

Nov. 22, 2020

The 25th Infantry Division is focused on enhancing Soldier lethality and improving readiness through a comprehensive human performance training program. The 25th Infantry Division’s Desmond T. Doss Health Clinic and Lightning Academy have partnered to operationalize Holistic Health Fitness efforts on Oahu. Subject matter experts in the health and training fields came together to pilot a Lightning Tactical Athlete Program (LTAP) for 13 noncommissioned officers Feb. 10 – March 6 on Schofield Barracks. Lightning Academy serves as the US Army Pacific’s premier individual training venue and with the help of the Desmond T. Doss performance experts, the 25th Infantry Division is shaping how Holistic Health Fitness programs evolve for our Army. Click here to read the full story:

Nov. 22, 2020

Even during a pandemic, Soldiers must continue to train to levels that sustain the fighting force, and prepare for future deployments. The Army faces a unique challenge with COVID-19. Soldiers in the 2nd Infantry Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division, faced the challenge head-on as they prepared for their upcoming training rotation at the Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, La. Click here to read the full story:

Nov. 22, 2020

This year’s influenza (flu) season will be significantly more challenging with the combination of COVID-19. Although Oahu is finally seeing a decrease in COVID-19 cases, there is a concern the flu season will complicate the treatment of ill patients who may have similar symptoms. Desmond T. Doss Health Clinic has been preparing since May for the flu season, specifically on making sure families understand the importance of getting their annual flu shot. Click here to read the full story:

Nov. 22, 2020

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. For most, the purpose of DVAM is to become educated about the warning signs, prevention, and treatment of domestic violence. For one woman, though, DVAM serves as a reminder of her own heart-rending experience as a survivor of domestic violence. Click Here to read the full story:

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