Tag: allDHA

Jan. 17, 2023

Update Your Other Health Insurance Info for TRICARE

The new year is here, so it’s important to take stock of your family’s overall health plan coverage. This is especially true when it comes to other health insurance (OHI). You may have had OHI last year, but now no longer. Or perhaps you’ve recently gained or changed OHI. In any of these cases, make sure your OHI information with TRICARE is current so your health care claims are processed accurately.

Dec. 28, 2022

Know These TRICARE Basics To Make the Most of Your Plan

Familiarizing yourself with your health plan is key to making the most of your benefits. Here are some TRICARE basics to be familiar with.

Dec. 22, 2022

Changes to TRICARE Expected in 2024

A new TRICARE contract that facilitates beneficiary health care in the civilian sector, known as T-5, is expected to start in 2024. The changes will improve the delivery, quality, and cost of health care services for service members, retirees, and their families.

Nov. 25, 2022

Colorectal Cancer Screening Age Decreases to 45

Although the overall death rate from colorectal cancer has been on the decline in recent years, it remains the second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. There has also been an increase in colorectal cancer-related death for people younger than 55, and an increase in diagnosis in patients between the ages of 40-49 over the past decade, according to the National Cancer Institute.

Nov. 15, 2022

Walk-in Contraceptive Services Required at Hospitals and Clinics

The Defense Health Agency is expanding walk-in contraceptive care services to improve reproductive health services. These services include same-day access with no appointment or referral needed.

Nov. 7, 2022

Preview 2023 TRICARE Health Plan Costs

Every year, TRICARE costs may change based on the law, the federal cost of living adjustment, changes in the cost of health care services and prescription drugs, and other factors. Depending on your TRICARE plan, you may see changes to your costs, including enrollment fees, premiums, cost-shares, and copayments next year.

Oct. 19, 2022

Can Your TRICARE Coverage Work With Other Health Insurance?

Are you a TRICARE beneficiary? Do you have other health care coverage in addition to your TRICARE plan? You may have employer-sponsored coverage or government health care plans. Or perhaps you have purchased additional coverage through private providers. Students may have health care coverage through their school. These additional plans are known as other health insurance (OHI). If you have OHI, it’s important to know how you can use it with TRICARE.

Oct. 6, 2022

Five Reasons to Switch to TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery

Want your prescriptions delivered to your front door? TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery through Express Scripts can help. Take a minute to see how getting your prescription drugs delivered may be right for you.

Sept. 29, 2022

TRICARE Offers Contraceptive Care to Support You, Your Family, and Your Readiness

Whether you’re a service member or a TRICARE-eligible family member, contraceptive care plays a key role in your overall health, wellness, and quality of life. It also supports your individual and family readiness. TRICARE covers a full range of contraceptive methods, regardless of which health plan you have. And recent changes to TRICARE policies help make sure you’ll have easy, convenient, and timely access to contraceptive services.

Sept. 27, 2022

Seeking Clinical Mental Health Services? Learn What TRICARE Covers

If left untreated, mental health difficulties could affect your physical health. That’s why TRICARE covers a variety of mental health services. These services can help you get care so you can stay balanced, in both mind and body.

Don’t forget to keep your family’s information up to date in DEERS!