
Oct. 2, 2023

Royal Thai Air Force nurses team up with 59th MDW for U.S. healthcare collaboration

During July and August 2023, the 59th Medical Wing hosted a team of five Royal Thai Air Force nurses from Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital, Sai Mai District, Bangkok, Thailand, known for delivering primary care services to RTAF personnel and the wider community. The nurses were immersed in the U.S. Air Force’s comprehensive healthcare system, global medical readiness initiatives, research, innovation, and international relations. This unique initiative fostered knowledge exchange between RTAF nurses and their American peers.

June 1, 2021

59th MDW medics assist Honduras hospital during Resolute Sentinel 21

CHOLUTECA, Honduras (AFNS) -- U.S. Air Force and Army military doctors were in Choluteca, Honduras, May 12-27, to assist a local hospital with urologic surgeries during Resolute Sentinel 21.

Dec. 17, 2020

Army ICU nurse receives first COVID-19 vaccine at BAMC

The first Brooke Army Medical Center staff member to receive a COVID-19 vaccine said she was “excited and relieved” to receive the shot. Army Capt. Rebecca Parrish, an Army nurse who has been serving on the frontlines of healthcare since the pandemic began, was among a small group of frontline medical professionals who received the first Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccines at BAMC today.

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